If you`ve ever stopped by our reception, we`re sure you`ve seen our who`s who ... right?
It is that wall that welcomes our offices, or what could be the same, our family photo album, composed of all of you.

Well renew or die trying! Taking advantage of the fact that we have among us Susana Bravo, from Bravofilms, a magnificent artist, both in the audiovisual field and personally, we have had a very fun photo session, with the collaboration of many of you, to renew that a bit. So special little corner, so we want to thank you for your collaboration in this project and especially Susana Bravo and Eugenia Morlans, our social media manager, who have made it possible.

This occasion also gives us the opportunity to use this material in case we want to make you echo in our networks, with your consent, of course, from the hand of Eugenia Morlans, who makes our presence on the networks possible.

We have already been able to enjoy a digital preview and you will soon be able to see the physical result, as well as a small gift for all participants. We hope you are just as happy as we are with the result.

23/10/2020 Categories: OfficeWeb